Alexei Rudak Apps

Студент №1 - Учеба без проблем 2.0.7
Alexei Rudak
Студент #1 - уникальный проект для молодежиСНГ, направленный на быстрое решение проблем с учебой в ВУЗе,бытом, работой.СПИСОК ВОЗМОЖНОСТЕЙ ПРОГРАММЫ100 АВТОРСКИХ СТАТЕЙ И КНИГ:• Как сделать курсовой за вечер• Как сдать экзамен, не готовясь• Как быстро допуститься к сессии• Как секс влияет на успеваемость• Как легально пропускать занятия• Как пользоваться микронаушником• Как высыпаться за 5 часов, быстро читать, отлично запоминать ичувствовать себя замечательноИ многое другое70 ВИДЕОМАТЕРИАЛОВ ПО ТЕМАМ• Как записать текст в калькулятор• Шпоры в часах и телефоне• Как пользоваться ручкой-сканером• Решение задач онлайнИ многое другое200 ССЫЛОК НА ПОЛЕЗНЫЕ СЕРВИСЫ, САЙТЫ, ПРОГРАММЫ• Как проверить орфографию• Подборка синонимов и ассоциаций• Создание списка используемой литературы• Онлайн распознавание текста• Калькулятор сна• Создание презентацийРЕШЕНИЕ СТУДЕНЧЕСКИХ ПРОБЛЕМ* Что делать, если ничего не знаешь* Не хватает времени* Сложно учиться* Исключают из ВУЗа* Если все надоело* Кто поможет студентуИ многое другоеА ТАКЖЕ* Поиск шпор, рефератов, методочек, курсовых, дипломов* Каталог сервисов облегачающих жизнь студенту (Консультацияюриста, онлайн решение задач, поиск работы и др.)* Каталог групп в социальных сетях, направленных на решениестуденческийх проблемПОСЕТИТЕ НАШ САЙТwww.student-1.ruStudent # 1 - a uniqueproject for the youth of the CIS, aimed at quick fix to study inhigh school, life, work.Program features                                     100 original articles and books:• How to make the exchange rate for the evening• How to pass the exam without preparation• How quickly admitted to the session• How sex affects performance• How to legally miss classes• How to use the micro• How to sleep for 5 hours, a quick read, well to remember and feelgreatAnd much more   70 VIDEO ON THE TOPICS• How to write text to the calculator• Spurs in hours and phone• How to use the pen scanner• Solving onlineAnd much more   200 links to useful SERVICES, SITESPROGRAM• How to check the spelling• A selection of synonyms and associations• Create a list of used literature• Online OCR• Sleep Calculator• Create presentations  SOLUTION students' problems* What if I do not know anything* Not enough time* It is difficult to learn* Excludes from the University* If all tired* Who will help the studentAnd much more AS WELL AS* Search for the Spurs, abstracts, metodochek, coursework,diplomas* Service number oblegachayuschih student life (Legal advice,online problem solving, job search, etc.).* Product groups in social networks, aimed at solving problemsstudencheskiyh  VISIT OUR WEBSITE
English-Thai Translator 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Thai to English Translator
Korean Japanese Translator 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Korean to Japanese Translator
English Russian Translator 1.0
Alexei Rudak
English to Russian Translator. Use this apptotranslate English text to Russian and vice versa. Will beusefulfor travelers, students and everyone who wants to studyEnglish orRussian languages.
German Turkish Translator 1.0
Alexei Rudak
German Turkish Translator
English Vietnamese Translator 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Vietnamese to English Translator
English Arabic Translator 1.0
Alexei Rudak
English to Arabic Translator will help youtotranslate between English and Arabic languages. This app willbeuseful for travelers, students or just as word learning tool.For text translation enter the sentence in the upper fieldandpress "Translate" button. To switch translate direction pressthegreen top button with arrow.
English-Spanish Translator 1.0
Alexei Rudak
English to Spanish TranslatorandDictionary
English French Translator 1.0
Alexei Rudak
English to French Translator will help youtotranslate between English and French languages. This app willbeuseful for travelers, students or just as word learning tool.For text translation enter the sentence in the upper fieldandpress "Translate" button. To switch translate direction pressthegreen top button with arrow.
Cost Tracker 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Your personal financial manager that cankeepthe family budget and teach you how to spend money wisely. Wanttoknow how to save money and improve your financial literacy?So this money manager app is for you! Now you can easily planandcontrol income and expenses. Now your home budget, financesandpurse are under good protection!Software features:- analysis of expenses and income detailed by categories,- get summary of cash flow,- budgeting and budget calculator- accounting loans and debt,- add and save your transaction inserting description, price,andyour buying time,- full report about all transactions (total income,totalconsumption, savings and balance),- transactions filter by date,- system of reminders,- budget planner,- detailed statistics for the day, month or year,- add, delete, edit categories,- installation of various currency,- widget on your home screen.Stylish design, user-friendly and simple interface,accurateinformation.
Alcohol Level Meter 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Drunk some alcohol? Calculate the levelofalcohol in the blood. This alkotest will be especially usefulfordrivers.Firstly you need to enter some parameters: gender, age,weightand height, time, amount, type and strength ofconsumedalcohol.Then alkohol tester calculates and shows table withestimatedquantity of alcohol (alcohol concentration of ethylalcohol) in theblood, the degree of intoxication and inference timeof alcoholfrom the body (minimum, maximum, and average) when youare allowedto drive.You can calculate the amount of alcohol that you can drink tobesober to a specific time. All calculations are made using aspecialmathematical formula.Attention! Program developers are not responsible fortheresults! You shouldn’t drive when you are drunk!
Weather Forecast 1.0
Alexei Rudak
High quality and simple to use app thatshowsthe weather conditions anywhere in the world or at yourcurrentlocation outside. It is your personal weather radar andweatherstation that shows the most accurate weather forecast! Wantto knowabout weather right now? So this app is for you!Features:- current weather forecast (air temperature, relativehumidity,rainfall, atmospheric pressure, wind speed anddirection),- weather for tomorrow and the following days,- different colors and images for each of theweatherconditions,- switch Celsius / Fahrenheit,- easy search of location,- weather widget on your home screen,- user-friendly interface,- stylish design,- intuitive control.Get the useful information with one touch! It is yourdailycompanion for your basic weather condition needs. What istheweather like today? Snow, fog, clouds, thunderstorm, rain - nowyouare ready for all weather conditions!
Stop Smoking - Smoke Free 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Everyone knows that smoking and nicotinearedangerous and destructive for health. But sometimes it issodifficult to fight with this addiction!You realize the harm of smoking, but you can’t findenoughmotivation? All your efforts were unsuccessful? Want to knowhow toquit smoking fast once and for all?So this app is for you! It based on exact calculations andshowsthe savings and health improvements of someone who hasstoppedsmoking.First of all you need to enter the following parameters:numberof cigarettes smoked a day, cost of cigarettes, dateofquitting.Then this app will show your personal progress every day:- how long do you live without smoking,- the number of cigarettes you’ve not smoked,- your health improvements,- how much of your life you have potentially saved,- how much money you have saved,- you will get virtual rewards for extra motivation.Quitting smoking will surely change your life for thebetter!
SMS Messenger 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Quality and simple alternative smsmessengerwith many cool functions. Do you want to send messagequickly andeasily? So this app is for you!Free sms manager has the following features:- free sms messages with funny emoji, emoticons, smileys, GIFandstickers (over 800),- pop up new text message for a quick viewing and reply,- unique notification for special contacts,- fast sending and receiving voice messages, photo and MMS,- backup dialoguesand much more!Stylish design, user friendly interface, intuitive control.Theexchange of free text messaging has never been so easybefore!Share any message with one click!
Phone Booster / System Cleaner 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Powerful tool necessary for everyone! Thereisnot enough space on your device to download new game, musicorvideo? Your phone become lagging? So this app is definitelyforyou! Optimize your phone with one touch!Phone booster has the following features:- cache and junk cleaner,- analysis of the available space,- automatic boosting,- application manager,- task manager,- battery saver,- easily backup, uninstall unused apps,- definition the status of memory, CPU temperature andotherparameters,- report about optimization,- file manager,- handy widget on the home screen,- user friendly interface,- stylish design.
Piano Simulator - Music Game 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Great virtual piano for all music lovers!Doyou want to play the piano, cheer up and have fun? So thiscoolpiano app is just for you!Turn your phone into a real musical instrument. The programcaneasily replace tutorial piano, piano, piano. With it, you canlearnthe notes and chords. Great app for beginners, musicians,pianistsand creative people! It will be interesting for both adultsandchildren.Open piano simulator and see the real piano keyboard! Playpianolike a true musician and impress your friends! Play musicnotes,popular songs, compose your own melodies and have a lotoffun!High quality sound, animation keys and user friendly interface!
Drawing and Painting 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Great drawing and coloring app for anyonewhowants to learn how to draw! It will teach you basics ofdrawingstep by step. You can feel like a true painter and createyour ownmasterpieces! Drawing lessons will help you to cheer up andhavefun!You will find many amazing images from simple todifficult(animals, flowers, people, cars, cartoon heroes and manyothers).Each picture has an easy detailed instruction of how todraw andget the result.You can:- use different colors,- choose the tools to work (pencil, brush, eraser, colorpicker,stroke size, clear etc.)- choose different brush sizes,- save pictures,- insert text, stickers, emoticons, smileys and emoji,- send picture to your friends.It is your personal art teacher. Learn to draw together!Superpainting app for beginners and creative people! Easy drawingwillbe interesting for both adults and kids. Paint like a trueartist,develop your imagination, have a lot of fun and share yourwork tosocial networks!
Altimeter - Altitude Measure 1.0
Alexei Rudak
Turn your phone into real heightmeasurementinstrument and check your altitude or elevation rightnow!Altimeter application uses GPS (defines the coordinates ofaplace) and the special built-in sensor to get the currentaltitudeabove see level. Height above mean sea level (AMSL) istheelevation (on the ground) or altitude (in the air) of anobject,relative to the average sea level datum.To get proper values the app uses special elevationmapparameters to specify GPS data. It means to get altitudesbylatitude and longitude coordinates.Altimeter is a powerful tool with a variety of units (mbar,mmHg,inches of mercury, meters, feet, kPa, kPa, HPA etc.) that canbeused in many altitude sports mountaineering, bouldering,skydiving,paragliding etc. You will always know the height abovesea level,exact altitude, barometric pressure.Besides this app is good for active traveling, skiing,hiking,boating, walking, fishing, mountain climbing. It will bealsouseful for mountaineers, climbers, hikers, fishermen,sportsmen,scientists and geologists.Take the altitude meter to alps or ice rocks mountaineering.Youwill be impressed by stylish design, high quality graphicsandexact values! Mountain climbers like this app.FEATURE LIST:1) Accurate measurement of altitude2) Barometric pressure measure3) Calculations in different units4) All features and free. No in-app purchases.5) The application works offlineGPS must be enabled. Internet access is not required.Theaccuracy of the app is mainly dependent on the strength ofGPSsignals and the efficiency of the sensor. So the best workofaltimeter tool will be on the latest mobile devices.Do not use altimeter for indoor rock climbing orinsidebuildings. Because of weak GPS signal you can have impropervalues.The best choice is nature landscapes, high rocks, mountainsorcities.